TikTok for Business - Training for Beginners

In this TikTok for Beginners course you will learn how to set up and optimise a business or creator account on Tiktok, and how to start producing content which attracts views and followers.  This course comes with a Certificate of Completion which you can add to your profile and easily share on social media.  

Here's what I covered:

  • Introduction to Tiktok 
  • 7 Ways to Optimise your Tiktok Account 
  • A tour of the Tiktok App 
  • Ideas for getting started with Tiktok Content 
  • A review of three different TikTok Accounts including 
    • An online clothing company (showing behind the schenes, and how they communicate their core messages through their TikTok Content
    • A Solicitor who uses TikTok to position himself as an expert in the eyes of his ideal customer
    • Two transport companies who both use similar fun tactics to engage and entertain their audiences. 
  • A step by step guide to creating a Tiktok 
  • How to re-purpose other social media content in Canva for Tiktok 
  • A Challenge!  

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction to Tiktok for Business
    • Session Handouts
    • TikTok for Business (Beginners)
    • How to Create a TikTok Video in App
    • Re-purposing an Instagram/Facebook Post for TikTok in Canva


Louise McDonnell

Louise McDonnell

An award-winning social media trainer and strategist, Louise McDonnell has worked in the digital space since the early 1990s. She founded her Social Media Academy in 2009, training clients in how to optimise social media to achieve commercial stand-out and boost sales. Louise has worked with over 20,000 students online and in-person in the past ten years alone, training them quickly and effectively to leverage the power of social media to increase conversions and grow customer numbers, using both organic and paid content. She is a best-selling author of Facebook Marketing, The Essential Guide and an annual Social Media Planner & Guide, used by thousands of businesses to manage occasions-based social and digital media marketing performance. The Social Media Academy uses Louise McDonnell’s signature ‘Six-Step System’, training individuals and organisations in a simple process-driven system that produces quantifiable results in just weeks.